Mar 18, 2022
The Shop-A-Versary Event is almost upon us (01:10), but that didn’t stop Malcom from making some delicious recipes, including better-than-a-Krystal-burgers (05:28) and homemade pizza rolls (08:10), which got me wondering what Malcom’s favorite King’s Hawaiian recipe is (09:18). Malcom came dead last in the last office competition (10:50), which means he gets to pick the next one (12:47). We made some amazing potato skins this week (16:47), and the best Jambalaya ever to go with (18:28). Someone shared the secret of getting fresh lamb locally (32:10), and Malcom clarifies a mistake he made last podcast (33:45). We talk about Redneck Margaritas and Malc’s latest St Patrick’s Day inspired drink (35:30), which makes me wonder if he’s up for an “All-You-Can-Drink” style podcast (40:06). Malc’s got a recipe in the works for a Deep-dish pizza (46:06), Which reminds me of my days working at Papa John’s (50:22).